Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Banta and Preeto came to a sexologist.
“Doctor, we’re married for a few months already, and we love each other, but we get no pleasure whatsoever from our lovemaking.”
“Hmmm. Maybe you should try another position. Like this.”
The doctor described the new position.
Banta said, “Doctor, thank you very much. Would you kindly permit us to try it here?”
“Just go behind that screen and try.”
After a while the doctor asked, “So?”
“No pleasure whatsoever, doctor.”
“Hmmm. Then try one more position.”
Banta and Preeto again went behind the screen. The doctor heard some sounds suggesting that the new position did help indeed. However, when they reappeared from behind the screen, they again complained that they had no feelings whatsoever. As to the sounds, they just tried to excite themselves by saying certain words, but it did not help.
“Hmmm,” the doctor said. “It’s a hard case. Let me call your family doctor.”
The sexologist dialed the family doctor’s number and told about the hard case he was treating.
“Kick them out,” the family doctor said. “They just make rounds through all doctors’ offices in the city as they live with her parents and do not have a place of their own.

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